提交 54d13dd5 authored 作者: 钟是志's avatar 钟是志


上级 158b70e9
// import fetch from 'dva/fetch';
// import React from 'react';
// import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
// import { Select, Button, Modal, Input, Transfer, Row, Col, Form, message, notification } from 'antd';
// import { connect } from 'dva';
// import { getToken } from '@/utils/authority';
// import config from '@/config/config';
// import QueryItem from './QueryItem';
// import OrderItem from './OrderItem';
// import FormdataWrapper from '@/utils/object-to-formdata-custom';
// const Option = Select.Option;
// let keyX = 1;
// function swapArray(arr, index1, index2) {
// arr[index1] = arr.splice(index2, 1, arr[index1])[0];
// return arr;
// }
// const FormItem = Form.Item;
// @connect(({ DataObj, loading }) => ({
// DataObj,
// loading: loading.models.DataObj,
// }))
// @Form.create()
// export default class Index extends React.Component {
// constructor(props) {
// super(props);
// this.state = {
// visiable: false,
// queryVisiable: false,
// groupVisiable: false,
// sortVisiable: false,
// currentQueryKey: null,
// currentGroupKey: null,
// orderVisiable: false,
// currentOrderKey: null,
// querys: [],
// orders: [],
// groups: [],
// gs: [],
// os: [],
// qs: [],
// mockData: [],
// targetKeys: [],
// sourceSelectedKeys: [],
// targetSelectedKeys: [],
// infos: {},
// confirmLoading: false,
// };
// }
// onSelectChange = (sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys) => {
// this.setState({ sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys });
// };
// deleteQuery = (i) => {
// const querys = this.state.querys;
// querys.splice(i, 1);
// this.setState({ querys });
// };
// deleteOrder = (i) => {
// const orders = this.state.orders;
// orders.splice(i, 1);
// this.setState({ orders });
// };
// deleteGroup = (i) => {
// const groups = this.state.groups;
// groups.splice(i, 1);
// this.setState({ groups });
// };
// open = () => {
// const { dispatch } = this.props;
// dispatch({
// type: 'DataObj/getExportInfo',
// payload: {
// objId: this.props.objId,
// },
// callback: (infos) => {
// const mockData = [];
// const qs = [];
// const gs = [];
// const os = [];
// for (var key in infos) {
// const x = infos[key];
// mockData.push({
// key: x.field,
// title: x.name,
// chosen: false,
// });
// if (x.canQuery) {
// qs.push(x);
// }
// if (x.canGroup) {
// gs.push(x);
// }
// if (x.canOrder) {
// os.push(x);
// }
// }
// this.setState({
// mockData, infos, visiable: true, qs, gs, os,
// });
// },
// });
// };
// onCancle = () => {
// this.setState({ visiable: false });
// };
// handleChange = (targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) => {
// this.setState({ targetKeys });
// };
// up = () => {
// keyX = keyX + 1;
// var { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
// for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
// if (targetKeys[i] === targetSelectedKeys[0]) {
// if (i === 0) return;
// targetKeys = swapArray(targetKeys, i, i - 1);
// break;
// }
// }
// this.setState({ targetKeys });
// };
// down = () => {
// keyX = keyX + 1;
// var { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
// for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
// if (targetKeys[i] === targetSelectedKeys[0]) {
// if (i === targetKeys.length - 1) return;
// targetKeys = swapArray(targetKeys, i, i + 1);
// break;
// }
// }
// this.setState({ targetKeys });
// };
// bottom = () => {
// keyX = keyX + 1;
// const { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
// var x = [];
// for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
// if (!targetSelectedKeys.includes(targetKeys[i])) {
// x.push(targetKeys[i]);
// }
// }
// x = [...x, ...targetSelectedKeys];
// this.setState({ targetKeys: x });
// };
// top = () => {
// keyX = keyX + 1;
// const { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
// const x = [...targetSelectedKeys];
// for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
// if (!targetSelectedKeys.includes(targetKeys[i])) {
// x.push(targetKeys[i]);
// }
// }
// this.setState({ targetKeys: x });
// };
// renderItem = (item) => {
// if (this.state.targetKeys.includes(item.key)) {
// const customLabel = (
// <span className="custom-item" key={item.key}>
// {item.title}
// </span>
// );
// return {
// label: customLabel, // for displayed item
// value: item.title, // for title and filter matching
// };
// } else {
// const customLabel = (
// <span className="custom-item" key={item.key}>
// {item.title}
// </span>
// );
// return {
// label: customLabel, // for displayed item
// value: item.title, // for title and filter matching
// };
// }
// };
// addOrder = () => {
// this.setState({ orderVisiable: true });
// };
// okOrder = () => {
// const orders = this.state.orders;
// orders.push(this.state.infos[this.state.currentOrderKey]);
// this.setState({ orders, orderVisiable: false, currentOrderKey: null });
// };
// okGroup = () => {
// const groups = this.state.groups;
// groups.push(this.state.infos[this.state.currentGroupKey]);
// this.setState({ groups, groupVisiable: false, currentGroupKey: null });
// };
// addGroup = () => {
// this.setState({ groupVisiable: true });
// };
// addQuery = () => {
// this.setState({ queryVisiable: true });
// };
// okQuery = () => {
// const querys = this.state.querys;
// querys.push(this.state.infos[this.state.currentQueryKey]);
// this.setState({ querys, queryVisiable: false, currentQueryKey: null });
// };
// export = () => {
// this.props.form.validateFields((err, fieldsValue) => {
// if (err) return;
// //form.resetFields();
// var qqs;
// if (this.props.mustQuerys != null) {
// qqs = [...this.props.mustQuerys];
// } else {
// qqs = [];
// }
// const oos = [];
// const ggs = [];
// for (let key in fieldsValue) {
// var x = key.indexOf('__');
// let kk = key.substr(x + 2);
// if (key.indexOf('q__') > -1) {
// qqs.push({
// notes: this.state.infos[kk].notes,
// hql: this.state.infos[kk].hql,
// c: this.state.infos[kk].type,
// x: fieldsValue[key].stringX,
// v: fieldsValue[key].string,
// });
// } else if (key.indexOf('o__') > -1) {
// oos.push({ hql: this.state.infos[kk].hql, x: fieldsValue[key].stringX });
// } else if (key.indexOf('g__') > -1) {
// ggs.push({ hql: this.state.infos[kk].hql });
// }
// }
// if (this.props.voClass && ggs.length === 0) {
// message.error('请至少选择一个聚合条件');
// return;
// }
// if (this.state.targetKeys.length === 0) {
// message.error('请至少选择一个导出字段');
// return;
// }
// const names = [];
// for (let i = 0; i < this.state.targetKeys.length; i++) {
// names.push(this.state.infos[this.state.targetKeys[i]].name);
// }
// let divElement = document.getElementById('downloadDiv');
// console.log(config.sqlFormsServer);
// let downloadUrl = config.sqlFormsServer + '/DataObjApi/exportFormData?';
// const token = getToken() != null && getToken() != 'null' ? getToken() : '0000';
// downloadUrl = `${downloadUrl}token=${token}`;
// let param = {
// fields: this.state.targetKeys,
// names: names,
// beanName: this.props.beanName,
// querys: JSON.stringify(qqs),
// orders: JSON.stringify(oos),
// groups: JSON.stringify(ggs),
// voClass: this.props.voClass,
// objId:this.props.objId,
// modelClass: this.props.modelClass,
// preHandleClass: this.props.preHandleClass,
// hqlHandleClass: this.props.hqlHandleClass,
// };
// param = {...param, ...this.props.params || {}}
// this.downloadFile(downloadUrl, param);
// });
// };
// downloadFile(url, params) {
// this.setState({ confirmLoading: true });
// fetch(url, {
// method: 'POST',
// body: FormdataWrapper(params),
// }).then(res => {
// if (res.status != '200') {
// return res.json();
// } else {
// return res.blob();
// }
// }).then(data => {
// if (data instanceof Blob) {
// let a = document.createElement('a');
// let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
// let filename = (this.props.fileName ? this.props.fileName : '导出文件') + '.xlsx';
// a.href = url;
// a.download = filename;
// a.click();
// window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
// a = null;
// } else {
// notification.error({
// message: `文件导出错误`,
// description: data.errMsg,
// });
// }
// }).catch(err => {
// notification.error({
// message: `网络请求超时`,
// });
// }).finally(() => {
// this.setState({ confirmLoading: false });
// });
// }
// cancelGroup = () => {
// this.setState({ currentGroupKey: null, groupVisiable: false });
// };
// cancelQuery = () => {
// this.setState({ currentQueryKey: null, queryVisiable: false });
// };
// cancelOrder = () => {
// this.setState({ currentOrderKey: null, orderVisiable: false });
// };
// selectOrder = (e) => {
// this.setState({ currentOrderKey: e });
// };
// selectQuery = (e) => {
// this.setState({ currentQueryKey: e });
// };
// selectGroup = (e) => {
// this.setState({ currentGroupKey: e });
// };
// render() {
// const { form } = this.props;
// const {
// visiable, targetKeys, sourceSelectedKeys, queryVisiable, querys, orders, groups, confirmLoading,
// targetSelectedKeys, mockData, qs, os, gs, currentQueryKey, currentOrderKey, orderVisiable, currentGroupKey, groupVisiable,
// } = this.state;
// return (
// <span>
// <Button shape='round' onClick={this.open}>自定义导出</Button>
// <div id='downloadDiv' style={{ display: 'none' }}></div>
// <Modal
// width={670}
// maskClosable={false}
// destroyOnClose
// title="自定义查询、排序、导出"
// style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}
// visible={visiable}
// onOk={this.export}
// onCancel={this.onCancle}
// confirmLoading={confirmLoading}
// >
// <div style={{ overflowY: 'auto', maxHeight: '500px', height: '500px' }}>
// <div style={{ textAlign: 'left' }}>
// <Button type="primary">新增查询条件</Button>
// <Select style={{ width: 200, paddingRight: '10px' }}
// value={currentQueryKey}
// onChange={this.selectQuery}>
// {qs.map((r) => {
// return <Option key={r.field}
// value={r.field}>
// {r.name}
// </Option>;
// },
// )}
// </Select>
// {currentQueryKey ?
// <span style={{ paddingLeft: '0' }}>
// <Button type="primary" onClick={this.okQuery}>确定</Button>
// </span>
// : ''}
// <div style={{ height: '12px' }}>
// </div>
// {querys.map((r, i) =>
// <FormItem key={r.name + i}
// labelCol={{ span: 4 }}
// wrapperCol={{ span: 20 }}
// colon={false}
// label={r.name}>
// {form.getFieldDecorator(i + 'q__' + r.field, {
// initialValue: { stringX: '=' },
// rules: [{
// validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
// var errors = [];
// if (value == null) {
// errors.push(new Error('请输入查询值!', rule.field));
// } else {
// if (value.stringX != 'IS NOT NULL' && value.stringX != 'IS NULL' && value.string == null) {
// errors.push(new Error('请输入查询值!', rule.field));
// }
// }
// callback(errors);
// },
// }],
// })(
// <QueryItem obj={r}
// key={r.name + i}
// deleteQuery={this.deleteQuery.bind(this, i)}/>)}
// </FormItem>)
// }
// </div>
// <div style={{ textAlign: 'left', paddingTop: '15px' }}>
// <Button type="primary">新增排序条件</Button>
// <Select style={{ width: 200, paddingRight: '10px' }}
// value={currentOrderKey}
// onChange={this.selectOrder}>
// {os.map((r) => {
// for (let j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
// if (orders[j].field === r.field) return;
// }
// return <Option key={r.field} value={r.field}>{r.name}</Option>;
// },
// )}
// </Select>
// {currentOrderKey ?
// <span style={{ paddingLeft: '0' }}>
// <Button type="primary" onClick={this.okOrder}>确定</Button>
// </span>
// : ''}
// <div style={{ height: '12px' }}>
// </div>
// {orders.map((r, i) =>
// <FormItem key={r.name + i}
// labelCol={{ span: 4 }}
// wrapperCol={{ span: 20 }}
// colon={false}
// label={'按' + r.name}>
// {form.getFieldDecorator(i + 'o__' + r.field, {
// initialValue: { stringX: 'desc' },
// })(
// <OrderItem deleteOrder={this.deleteOrder.bind(this, i)}/>)}
// </FormItem>)}
// </div>
// {this.props.voClass ?
// <div style={{ textAlign: 'left', paddingTop: '15px' }}>
// <span style={{ paddingRight: '10px' }}>聚合条件:</span>
// {!groupVisiable ?
// <Button type="primary" onClick={this.addGroup}>新增</Button>
// :
// <span>
// <Select style={{ width: 100 }}
// value={currentGroupKey}
// onChange={this.selectGroup}>
// {gs.map((r) => {
// for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {
// if (groups[j].field == r.field) return;
// }
// return <Option key={r.field}
// value={r.field}>
// {r.name}
// </Option>;
// },
// )}
// </Select>
// {currentGroupKey ?
// <Button type="primary" onClick={this.okGroup}>确定</Button>
// : ''}
// <Button type="primary" onClick={this.cancelGroup}>取消</Button>
// </span>}
// {groups.map((r, i) =>
// <FormItem key={i + r.name}
// labelCol={{ span: 5 }}
// wrapperCol={{ span: 15 }}
// label={'按' + r.name + '聚合'}>
// {form.getFieldDecorator(i + 'g__' + r.field)(
// <Input style={{ display: 'none' }}
// value=""/>)}
// <Button type="danger" onClick={this.deleteGroup.bind(this, i)}>删除</Button>
// </FormItem>)}
// </div> : ''}
// <Row>
// <Col span={24}
// style={{ textAlign: 'left', paddingTop: '15px' }}>
// <span style={{ paddingRight: '10px' }}>导出项:</span>
// {/*<Select>*/}
// {/*{*/}
// {/*}*/}
// {/*</Select>*/}
// </Col>
// <Col span={18}>
// <Transfer key={keyX}
// style={{ textAlign: 'left' }}
// dataSource={mockData}
// listStyle={{
// width: 200,
// height: 300,
// }}
// onSelectChange={this.onSelectChange}
// selectedKeys={[...sourceSelectedKeys, ...targetSelectedKeys]}
// rowKey={record => record.key}
// targetKeys={targetKeys}
// onChange={this.handleChange}
// render={this.renderItem}
// />
// </Col>
// <Col span={2}>
// <div style={{ marginTop: 100 }}>
// <Button size="small"
// disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length === 0}
// onClick={this.top}>
// 批量置顶
// </Button>
// <Button size="small"
// style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
// disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length !== 1}
// onClick={this.up}>
// 单项上移
// </Button>
// <Button size="small"
// style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
// disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length !== 1}
// onClick={this.down}>
// 单项下移
// </Button>
// <Button size="small"
// style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
// disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length === 0}
// onClick={this.bottom}>
// 批量置底
// </Button>
// </div>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// </div>
// </Modal>
// </span>
// );
// }
// }
import fetch from 'dva/fetch';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Select, Button, Modal, Input, Transfer, Row, Col, Form, message, notification } from 'antd';
import { connect } from 'dva';
import { getToken } from '@/utils/authority';
import config from '@/config/config';
import QueryItem from './QueryItem';
import OrderItem from './OrderItem';
import FormdataWrapper from '@/utils/object-to-formdata-custom';
const Option = Select.Option;
let keyX = 1;
function swapArray(arr, index1, index2) {
arr[index1] = arr.splice(index2, 1, arr[index1])[0];
return arr;
const FormItem = Form.Item;
@connect(({ DataObj, loading }) => ({
loading: loading.models.DataObj,
export default class Index extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
visiable: false,
queryVisiable: false,
groupVisiable: false,
sortVisiable: false,
currentQueryKey: null,
currentGroupKey: null,
orderVisiable: false,
currentOrderKey: null,
querys: [],
orders: [],
groups: [],
gs: [],
os: [],
qs: [],
mockData: [],
targetKeys: [],
sourceSelectedKeys: [],
targetSelectedKeys: [],
infos: {},
confirmLoading: false,
onSelectChange = (sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys) => {
this.setState({ sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys });
deleteQuery = (i) => {
const querys = this.state.querys;
querys.splice(i, 1);
this.setState({ querys });
deleteOrder = (i) => {
const orders = this.state.orders;
orders.splice(i, 1);
this.setState({ orders });
deleteGroup = (i) => {
const groups = this.state.groups;
groups.splice(i, 1);
this.setState({ groups });
open = () => {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
type: 'DataObj/getExportInfo',
payload: {
objId: this.props.objId,
callback: (infos) => {
const mockData = [];
const qs = [];
const gs = [];
const os = [];
for (var key in infos) {
const x = infos[key];
key: x.field,
title: x.name,
chosen: false,
if (x.canQuery) {
if (x.canGroup) {
if (x.canOrder) {
mockData, infos, visiable: true, qs, gs, os,
onCancle = () => {
this.setState({ visiable: false });
handleChange = (targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) => {
this.setState({ targetKeys });
up = () => {
keyX = keyX + 1;
var { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
if (targetKeys[i] === targetSelectedKeys[0]) {
if (i === 0) return;
targetKeys = swapArray(targetKeys, i, i - 1);
this.setState({ targetKeys });
down = () => {
keyX = keyX + 1;
var { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
if (targetKeys[i] === targetSelectedKeys[0]) {
if (i === targetKeys.length - 1) return;
targetKeys = swapArray(targetKeys, i, i + 1);
this.setState({ targetKeys });
bottom = () => {
keyX = keyX + 1;
const { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
var x = [];
for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
if (!targetSelectedKeys.includes(targetKeys[i])) {
x = [...x, ...targetSelectedKeys];
this.setState({ targetKeys: x });
top = () => {
keyX = keyX + 1;
const { targetKeys, targetSelectedKeys } = this.state;
const x = [...targetSelectedKeys];
for (var i = 0; i < targetKeys.length; i++) {
if (!targetSelectedKeys.includes(targetKeys[i])) {
this.setState({ targetKeys: x });
renderItem = (item) => {
if (this.state.targetKeys.includes(item.key)) {
const customLabel = (
<span className="custom-item" key={item.key}>
return {
label: customLabel, // for displayed item
value: item.title, // for title and filter matching
} else {
const customLabel = (
<span className="custom-item" key={item.key}>
return {
label: customLabel, // for displayed item
value: item.title, // for title and filter matching
addOrder = () => {
this.setState({ orderVisiable: true });
okOrder = () => {
const orders = this.state.orders;
this.setState({ orders, orderVisiable: false, currentOrderKey: null });
okGroup = () => {
const groups = this.state.groups;
this.setState({ groups, groupVisiable: false, currentGroupKey: null });
addGroup = () => {
this.setState({ groupVisiable: true });
addQuery = () => {
this.setState({ queryVisiable: true });
okQuery = () => {
const querys = this.state.querys;
this.setState({ querys, queryVisiable: false, currentQueryKey: null });
export = () => {
this.props.form.validateFields((err, fieldsValue) => {
if (err) return;
var qqs;
if (this.props.mustQuerys != null) {
qqs = [...this.props.mustQuerys];
} else {
qqs = [];
const oos = [];
const ggs = [];
for (let key in fieldsValue) {
var x = key.indexOf('__');
let kk = key.substr(x + 2);
if (key.indexOf('q__') > -1) {
notes: this.state.infos[kk].notes,
hql: this.state.infos[kk].hql,
c: this.state.infos[kk].type,
x: fieldsValue[key].stringX,
v: fieldsValue[key].string,
} else if (key.indexOf('o__') > -1) {
oos.push({ hql: this.state.infos[kk].hql, x: fieldsValue[key].stringX });
} else if (key.indexOf('g__') > -1) {
ggs.push({ hql: this.state.infos[kk].hql });
if (this.props.voClass && ggs.length === 0) {
if (this.state.targetKeys.length === 0) {
const names = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.targetKeys.length; i++) {
let divElement = document.getElementById('downloadDiv');
let downloadUrl = config.sqlFormsServer + '/DataObjApi/exportFormData?';
const token = getToken() != null && getToken() != 'null' ? getToken() : '0000';
downloadUrl = `${downloadUrl}token=${token}`;
let param = {
fields: this.state.targetKeys,
names: names,
beanName: this.props.beanName,
querys: JSON.stringify(qqs),
orders: JSON.stringify(oos),
groups: JSON.stringify(ggs),
voClass: this.props.voClass,
modelClass: this.props.modelClass,
preHandleClass: this.props.preHandleClass,
hqlHandleClass: this.props.hqlHandleClass,
param = {...param, ...this.props.params || {}}
this.downloadFile(downloadUrl, param);
downloadFile(url, params) {
this.setState({ confirmLoading: true });
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: FormdataWrapper(params),
}).then(res => {
if (res.status != '200') {
return res.json();
} else {
return res.blob();
}).then(data => {
if (data instanceof Blob) {
let a = document.createElement('a');
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
let filename = (this.props.fileName ? this.props.fileName : '导出文件') + '.xlsx';
a.href = url;
a.download = filename;
a = null;
} else {
message: `文件导出错误`,
description: data.errMsg,
}).catch(err => {
message: `网络请求超时`,
}).finally(() => {
this.setState({ confirmLoading: false });
cancelGroup = () => {
this.setState({ currentGroupKey: null, groupVisiable: false });
cancelQuery = () => {
this.setState({ currentQueryKey: null, queryVisiable: false });
cancelOrder = () => {
this.setState({ currentOrderKey: null, orderVisiable: false });
selectOrder = (e) => {
this.setState({ currentOrderKey: e });
selectQuery = (e) => {
this.setState({ currentQueryKey: e });
selectGroup = (e) => {
this.setState({ currentGroupKey: e });
render() {
const { form } = this.props;
const {
visiable, targetKeys, sourceSelectedKeys, queryVisiable, querys, orders, groups, confirmLoading,
targetSelectedKeys, mockData, qs, os, gs, currentQueryKey, currentOrderKey, orderVisiable, currentGroupKey, groupVisiable,
} = this.state;
return (
<Button shape='round' onClick={this.open}>自定义导出</Button>
<div id='downloadDiv' style={{ display: 'none' }}></div>
style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}
<div style={{ overflowY: 'auto', maxHeight: '500px', height: '500px' }}>
<div style={{ textAlign: 'left' }}>
<Button type="primary">新增查询条件</Button>
<Select style={{ width: 200, paddingRight: '10px' }}
{qs.map((r) => {
return <Option key={r.field}
{currentQueryKey ?
<span style={{ paddingLeft: '0' }}>
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.okQuery}>确定</Button>
: ''}
<div style={{ height: '12px' }}>
{querys.map((r, i) =>
<FormItem key={r.name + i}
labelCol={{ span: 4 }}
wrapperCol={{ span: 20 }}
{form.getFieldDecorator(i + 'q__' + r.field, {
initialValue: { stringX: '=' },
rules: [{
validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
var errors = [];
if (value == null) {
errors.push(new Error('请输入查询值!', rule.field));
} else {
if (value.stringX != 'IS NOT NULL' && value.stringX != 'IS NULL' && value.string == null) {
errors.push(new Error('请输入查询值!', rule.field));
<QueryItem obj={r}
key={r.name + i}
deleteQuery={this.deleteQuery.bind(this, i)}/>)}
<div style={{ textAlign: 'left', paddingTop: '15px' }}>
<Button type="primary">新增排序条件</Button>
<Select style={{ width: 200, paddingRight: '10px' }}
{os.map((r) => {
for (let j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
if (orders[j].field === r.field) return;
return <Option key={r.field} value={r.field}>{r.name}</Option>;
{currentOrderKey ?
<span style={{ paddingLeft: '0' }}>
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.okOrder}>确定</Button>
: ''}
<div style={{ height: '12px' }}>
{orders.map((r, i) =>
<FormItem key={r.name + i}
labelCol={{ span: 4 }}
wrapperCol={{ span: 20 }}
label={'按' + r.name}>
{form.getFieldDecorator(i + 'o__' + r.field, {
initialValue: { stringX: 'desc' },
<OrderItem deleteOrder={this.deleteOrder.bind(this, i)}/>)}
{this.props.voClass ?
<div style={{ textAlign: 'left', paddingTop: '15px' }}>
<span style={{ paddingRight: '10px' }}>聚合条件:</span>
{!groupVisiable ?
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.addGroup}>新增</Button>
<Select style={{ width: 100 }}
{gs.map((r) => {
for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {
if (groups[j].field == r.field) return;
return <Option key={r.field}
{currentGroupKey ?
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.okGroup}>确定</Button>
: ''}
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.cancelGroup}>取消</Button>
{groups.map((r, i) =>
<FormItem key={i + r.name}
labelCol={{ span: 5 }}
wrapperCol={{ span: 15 }}
label={'按' + r.name + '聚合'}>
{form.getFieldDecorator(i + 'g__' + r.field)(
<Input style={{ display: 'none' }}
<Button type="danger" onClick={this.deleteGroup.bind(this, i)}>删除</Button>
</div> : ''}
<Col span={24}
style={{ textAlign: 'left', paddingTop: '15px' }}>
<span style={{ paddingRight: '10px' }}>导出项:</span>
<Col span={18}>
<Transfer key={keyX}
style={{ textAlign: 'left' }}
width: 200,
height: 300,
selectedKeys={[...sourceSelectedKeys, ...targetSelectedKeys]}
rowKey={record => record.key}
<Col span={2}>
<div style={{ marginTop: 100 }}>
<Button size="small"
disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length === 0}
<Button size="small"
style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length !== 1}
<Button size="small"
style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length !== 1}
<Button size="small"
style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
disabled={targetSelectedKeys.length === 0}
import React from 'react';
import List from './index';
import GetIdByPath from './GetIdByPath';
const ExportAndDetail = (props) => {
const Authority = {
add: false, // 新增
delete: false, // 删除
detail: true, // 详情
exportUtil: true, // 导出
importUtil: false, // 导入
return <GetIdByPath {...props}
export default ExportAndDetail;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import { Divider, message, Modal, Popconfirm } from 'antd';
import moment from 'moment';
import router from 'umi/router';
// import ExportInfo from '../Export/index';
import ExportInfo from '../Export/index';
import { text, number, date, getFormArrayConfig } from '../config/index';
import ButtonDiy from '@/baseComponent/ButtonDiy';
import Shell from '../Shell';
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const CreateForm = props => {
fileSpan={{ big: 2, small: 2 }}
<div style={{ clear: 'both' }} />
<div style={{ clear: 'both' }}/>
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class FormList extends React.Component {
// 渲染值
componentDidMount() {
const { objId } = this.props;
const { objId, Authority } = this.props;
getHead({ dataObjId: objId }, datas => {
if (!datas) return;
this.setState({ formItem: datas });
......@@ -116,26 +116,19 @@ class FormList extends React.Component {
let opt = {
/*let opt = {
title: '操作',
render: (text, record) => (
<a onClick={this.modify.bind(this, record)}>编辑</a>
<Divider type="vertical" />
onConfirm={this.delete.bind(this, record)}
<a onClick={this.modify.bind(this, record)}>
......@@ -263,13 +256,12 @@ class FormList extends React.Component {
batchDelete = e => {
const { selectedRows, formItem, objId } = this.state;
const { objId } = this.props;
const { selectedRows, formItem } = this.state;
if (!selectedRows) return;
const Keys = formItem.filter(i => i.isPrimaryKey).reduce((acc, i) => {
return { ...acc, [i.name]: selectedRows.map(row => row[i.name]).join(',') };
deleteItem({ keys: JSON.stringify(Keys), objId }, () => {
selectedRows: [],
......@@ -294,20 +286,11 @@ class FormList extends React.Component {
render() {
const {
modalVisible, selectedRows, formItem, isAdd,
pageData, showEdit, formData, primaryKey,
formValues, searchConfig,
} = this.state;
const { hasExport, hasImport } = this.props;
const { objId, Authority } = this.props;
const parentMethods = {
handleAdd: this.handleAdd,
handleModalVisible: this.handleModalVisible,
......@@ -343,10 +326,25 @@ class FormList extends React.Component {
) : null}
<div style={{ paddingLeft: '10px', marginTop: '20px' }}>
<ButtonDiy icon="plus" className="primaryBlue" handleClick={this.add} name="新建" />
{/* {hasImport && <ImportUtil objId={objId} />}
{hasExport && <ExportInfo objId={objId} />}*/}
<ButtonDiy handleClick={this.batchDelete} name="批量删除" />
Authority && Authority.add === false ? null :
<ButtonDiy icon="plus"
Authority && Authority.delete === false ? null :
<ButtonDiy handleClick={this.batchDelete}
Authority && Authority.exportUtil === false ? null :
<ExportInfo objId={objId}/>
{/* <ImportUtil objId={objId} />*/}
......@@ -360,7 +358,7 @@ class FormList extends React.Component {
<CreateForm {...parentMethods} modalVisible={modalVisible} />
<CreateForm {...parentMethods} modalVisible={modalVisible}/>
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