import lsz from "@/assets/time.gif"; import React from "react"; import config from "@/config/config"; import { formatMessage } from "umi/locale"; import { getSysConfig } from "../utils/basiclayout"; import { isJSON } from "@/webPublic/zyd_public/utils/utils"; import { getYunShangGuiZhouSyStemConfig } from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/2023yunshangguizhou/utils'; const query = { "screen-xs": { maxWidth: 575 }, "screen-sm": { minWidth: 576, maxWidth: 767 }, "screen-md": { minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 991 }, "screen-lg": { minWidth: 992, maxWidth: 1199 }, "screen-xl": { minWidth: 1200, maxWidth: 1599 }, "screen-xxl": { minWidth: 1600 } }; const getSystemConfig = () => { const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href); const systemList = ["/xg/", "/yx/", "/jy/", "/lx/", "/sg/", "/xl/", "/zs/", "/uaa/", "/tw/", "/ytw/", "/wzb/", "/szcp/"]; let findSystem = systemList.find((g) => { return urlParams.href.indexOf(g) > 0; }); if (findSystem) { let systemX = findSystem.replace(/[/]/g, ""); let res =[systemX]; let systemDiyName = localStorage.getItem('systemDiyName'); = systemDiyName ||; return res; } return["jc"]; }; const antIcon = <div style={ { position: "absolute", zIndex: 999999, width: 32, left: "48%" }}> <img src={lsz} style={{ width: 32, height: 32 }} /> </div>; const formatter = (data, parentPath = "", parentAuthority, parentName) => { return => { if (config.checkPath) { item.authority = [item.path]; } let locale = "menu"; if (parentName && { locale = `${parentName}.${}`; } else if ( { locale = `menu.${}`; } else if (parentName) { locale = parentName; } const result = { ...item, locale, authority: item.authority || parentAuthority }; if (item.routes) { const children = formatter(item.routes, `${parentPath}${item.path}/`, item.authority, locale); // Reduce memory usage result.children = children; } delete result.routes; return result; }); }; const getMenuData = (routes) => { const newRoutes = formatter(routes); return newRoutes; }; // 插入动态菜单 const insertActiveMenus = (routes = [], insertRoutes = []) => { let deleteIndex = []; if (!insertRoutes || !insertRoutes.length) { return routes; } for (let i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) { let item = routes[i]; for (let g = 0; g < insertRoutes.length; g++) { let targetItem = insertRoutes[g]; if (targetItem.oldBrotherPath && targetItem.oldBrotherPath === item.path) { // 发现哥哥节点 插入 // console.log(targetItem); routes.splice(i + 1, 0, targetItem); deleteIndex.push(g); } if (targetItem.parentPath === item.path && !targetItem.oldBrotherPath) { // 没有哥哥节点的路由 插入 if (item.children) { item.children.unshift(targetItem); } else { item.children = [targetItem]; } deleteIndex.push(g); } } if (deleteIndex.length) { for(let i = 0; i < insertRoutes.length; i++){ if(deleteIndex.includes(i)){ insertRoutes[i].isDelete = true; } } insertRoutes = insertRoutes.filter((g) =>{ return !g.isDelete; }); deleteIndex = []; // 每次循环完 要清空这个 才行. 不然递归里面会删除多的 } if (Array.isArray(item.children) && item.children.length) { insertActiveMenus(item.children, insertRoutes); } } return routes; }; export { antIcon, query, getSystemConfig, formatter, getMenuData, insertActiveMenus, getYunShangGuiZhouSyStemConfig }; export const getDiyChineseMenus = () => { const menuChineseConfig = getSysConfig().menuChineseConfig; const menusList = isJSON(menuChineseConfig) && JSON.parse(menuChineseConfig) || {}; return menusList; } export const getChineseName = (item) => { // 获取菜单名字 if(!item){ return ''; } const menusList = getDiyChineseMenus(); if (menusList[item.path]) { return menusList[item.path]; } const menuName = item.chineseLocale || formatMessage({ id: item.locale }); return menuName; }; export const insertDetailPath = (res = []) => { // 插入详情路由 for(let item of res){ if(item.from === 'onestopApp' && (item.component.indexOf('Audit') > -1 || item.component.indexOf('Apply') > -1) ){ // 插入详情路由 const pathSplit = item.path.split('/'); pathSplit[pathSplit.length -1] = 'Detail'; const pathDetail = pathSplit.join('/'); // console.log(pathDetail); let checkHaveDetail = res.find((g) => { return g.path === pathDetail; }); if(!checkHaveDetail){ // console.log(item); res.push({ ...item, chineseLocale: '详情', name: '详情', component: 'Detail', path: pathDetail, id: Math.random(), hideInMenu: '1', }); } } } return res; } export const giveAuthority = (res = []) => { for(let item of res){ item.authority = [item.path]; item.hideInMenu = item.hideInMenu === '1'; item.exact = true; if(item.component === 'Parent'){ item.children = []; } } return res; }