import React from 'react'; import { extend } from 'umi-request'; import queryConfig from './queryConfig'; import { Upload, message } from 'antd'; import { isJSON } from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/copy'; const getToken = () => { const x = localStorage.getItem('uploadVideoServiceToken'); if (x === 'null' || x === 'undefined') { return null; } return x; }; const configService = queryConfig('uploadVideoService'); const token = getToken(); const umiRequest = extend({ // errorHandler, // 默认错误处理 credentials: 'omit', // 默认请求是否带上cookie mode: 'cors', }); export default class VideoUploadCom extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { value } = props; let url = value; if (isJSON(value)) { url = JSON.parse(value).url; } this.state = { url: url || '', }; } triggerChange = (changedValue) => { // Should provide an event to pass value to Form. const onChange = this.props.onChange; if (onChange) { onChange(changedValue); } }; componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // Should be a controlled component. if ('value' in nextProps) { const { value } = nextProps; if (isJSON(value)) { this.setState({ url: JSON.parse(value).url, }); } } } changeUrl = (info, key) => { if (info.file.status === 'done') { let filePathThis = info?.file?.response?.data?.filePath;'正在获取视频缩略图,请稍后'); if (filePathThis) { setTimeout(() => { umiRequest(`${configService}/folderConvertApi/videoScreenshot?token=${token}`, { method: 'POST', // 暂时支持post 请求 headers: { Accept: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', // 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, requestType: 'form', data: { path: filePathThis, screenshotTime: '00:00:5', }, }).then((res) => { if (res && { let info =; const { screenshots, url, createTime, downloadUrl, filePath, fileExt } = info; let needInfo = { screenshots, url, createTime, downloadUrl, filePath, fileExt, }; message.success(`视频上传成功`); this.triggerChange(JSON.stringify(needInfo)); } }); }, 3000); } } else if (info.file.status === 'error') { message.error(`视频上传失败`); } }; render() { const { json, disabled } = this.props; const { url } = this.state; return ( <Upload.Dragger disabled={disabled} accept={'.mp4,.webm,.ogg'} url={url} showUploadList={false} name="file" action={configService + '/uploadFileApi/upload'} onChange={this.changeUrl} headers={{ Authorization: `bearer ${getToken()}`, }} multiple={false} data={{ isConvert: true, token, }} style={{ padding: 0 }}> {url ? ( <video src={url} controls style={{ height: json.height, width: json.width, }} /> ) : ( <div style={{ height: json.height, width: json.width }} /> )} </Upload.Dragger> ); } }