import React from 'react'; import Neo4jD3 from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/utils/Neo4jD3'; import UUID from 'react-native-uuid'; export default class Neo4jD3Com extends React.Component { state = { uid: UUID.v4(), }; triggerChange = (changedValue) => { // Should provide an event to pass value to Form. const onChange = this.props.onChange; if (onChange) { onChange(changedValue); } }; data; q; componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if ('option' in nextProps && nextProps.option && nextProps.option.neo4jData) { if (this.neo4jd3 == null) { this.q = nextProps.option.q; this.neo4jd3 = this.init(nextProps.option.neo4jData); } else { if (this.q != nextProps.option.q) { const newuid = UUID.v4(); this.q = nextProps.option.q; this.setState({ uid: UUID.v4() }, () => { this.init(nextProps.option.neo4jData, newuid); }); } } } } /* componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // Should be a controlled component. if ('option' in nextProps&&nextProps.option&&nextProps.option.neo4jData) { if(this.neo4jd3==null){ this.q=nextProps.option.q this.neo4jd3=this.init(nextProps.option.neo4jData,this.uid) }else{ if(this.q!=nextProps.option.q){ const newuid=UUID.v4() this.neo4jd3.clear() var test=document.createElement('div'); test.setAttribute("id","id_"+newuid); test.setAttribute("key",newuid); console.log(document.getElementById("zhishi")); document.getElementById("zhishi").append(test) this.neo4jd3=this.init(nextProps.option.neo4jData,newuid) this.q=nextProps.option.q } } } } */ changePos = (obj) => { if (!('value' in this.props)) { this.setState({ ...obj }); } this.triggerChange({ ...obj }); }; neo4jd3; init = (neo4jData) => { return new Neo4jD3('#id_' + this.state.uid, { highlight: [ { class: 'Project', property: 'name', value: 'neo4jd3', }, { class: 'User', property: 'userId', value: 'eisman', }, ], icons: { // 'Address': 'home', Api: 'gear', // 'BirthDate': 'birthday-cake', Cookie: 'paw', // 'CreditCard': 'credit-card', // 'Device': 'laptop', Email: 'at', Git: 'git', Github: 'github', Google: 'google', // 'icons': 'font-awesome', Ip: 'map-marker', Issues: 'exclamation-circle', Language: 'language', Options: 'sliders', Password: 'lock', Phone: 'phone', Project: 'folder-open', SecurityChallengeAnswer: 'commenting', User: 'user', zoomFit: 'arrows-alt', zoomIn: 'search-plus', zoomOut: 'search-minus', }, images: { Address: 'img/twemoji/1f3e0.svg', // 'Api': 'img/twemoji/1f527.svg', BirthDate: 'img/twemoji/1f382.svg', Cookie: 'img/twemoji/1f36a.svg', CreditCard: 'img/twemoji/1f4b3.svg', Device: 'img/twemoji/1f4bb.svg', Email: 'img/twemoji/2709.svg', Git: 'img/twemoji/1f5c3.svg', Github: 'img/twemoji/1f5c4.svg', icons: 'img/twemoji/1f38f.svg', Ip: 'img/twemoji/1f4cd.svg', Issues: 'img/twemoji/1f4a9.svg', Language: 'img/twemoji/1f1f1-1f1f7.svg', Options: 'img/twemoji/2699.svg', Password: 'img/twemoji/1f511.svg', // 'Phone': 'img/twemoji/1f4de.svg', Project: 'img/twemoji/2198.svg', 'Project|name|neo4jd3': 'img/twemoji/2196.svg', // 'SecurityChallengeAnswer': 'img/twemoji/1f4ac.svg', User: 'img/twemoji/1f600.svg', // 'zoomFit': 'img/twemoji/2194.svg', // 'zoomIn': 'img/twemoji/1f50d.svg', // 'zoomOut': 'img/twemoji/1f50e.svg' }, minCollision: 60, neo4jData: neo4jData, nodeRadius: 25, onNodeDoubleClick: function(node) { /* switch( { case '25': // Google, '_blank'); break; default: var maxNodes = 5, data = neo4jd3.randomD3Data(node, maxNodes); neo4jd3.updateWithD3Data(data); break; } */ }, onRelationshipDoubleClick: function(relationship) { console.log('double click on relationship: ' + JSON.stringify(relationship)); }, zoomFit: true, }); }; render() { return ( <div id="zhishi"> <div id={'id_' + this.state.uid} style={{ height: this.props.json.height || 500 }}> {' '} </div> </div> ); } }