import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import SearchDom from '@/highOrderComponent/SearchDom'; import ButtonListDom from '../ButtonListDom'; import Shell from '@/baseComponent/Shell'; import StandardTable from '@/components/StandardTable'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { deepCopy } from '@/baseComponent/utils'; import { handleAudit } from '../publicApiService'; import { handleColumns } from '@/webPublic/FormInsertDiy/AffairPage/destruction'; export default class List extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { keepAliveData } = props; this.state = { list: [], selectRows: [], formValues: this.giveDefaultValue(props), loading: true, sortGetPageFields: {}, pagination: { current: (keepAliveData && keepAliveData.pageCurrent) || 1, total: 1, pageSize: this.props.listConfig.pageSize || 10, pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '50', '100', '500'], showQuickJumper: true, onShowSizeChange: (current, size) => { this.pageChange(current, size); }, onChange: (current, size) => { this.pageChange(current, size); }, }, }; } giveDefaultValue = (props) => { // 如果设置了 giveFieldsToFormValues 则将默认值赋值给formValues let formValues = {}; if ( props.pageSearch && && ) { for (let x in { if ([x].required === true) { formValues[x] =[x].defaultValue; } } } if (props.keepAliveData?.searchFormValues) { formValues = { ...formValues, ...props.keepAliveData?.searchFormValues, }; } return formValues; }; giveGetPageFields = () => { const { listConfig, pageSearch, beforeGetPage } = this.props; const { pagination, formValues } = this.state; const search =; let data = deepCopy(formValues); // /** 如果配置了默认值 则 加进去 **/ // for (let item in search.field) { // let one = search.field[item]; // if (one.required && typeof data[item] === 'undefined') { // /** // * 存在必填项 且当前必填项没有值时 则传入. 如果必填项有值则不需要修改 // * */ // data[item] = one.defaultValue; // } // } if (listConfig.paging) { // 是否分页 data.pageSize = pagination.pageSize; data.pageNo = pagination.current; } if (search.beforeGetPage) { data = search.beforeGetPage(data); } return data; }; getPage = () => { const { listConfig, pageSearch, workId } = this.props; const { pagination, sortGetPageFields } = this.state; const { search } = pageSearch; let data = this.giveGetPageFields(); if (!data) { return false; } if (search.handleSort) { data = {, ...sortGetPageFields, // 增加排序的搜索条件 }; } this.setState({ list: [], loading: true, }); if (search.beforeSearchData && typeof search.beforeSearchData === 'function') { data = search.beforeSearchData(data, { ...this.props }); } if (search.beforeSearchDataOutSide && typeof search.beforeSearchDataOutSide === 'function') { data = search.beforeSearchDataOutSide(data, { ...this.props }); } search.getPageService({, appId: workId }).then((response) => { this.setState({ loading: false, }); if ( !response || (search.paging && typeof === 'undefined') || response.errMsg ) { return false; } if (listConfig.paging) { = Number(; } if (typeof search.responseCallBack !== 'undefined') { response = search.responseCallBack(response); } this.setState({ list: response.rows || response, selectRows: [], pagination: pagination, }); }); }; stateChange = (key, value) => { this.setState({ [key]: value, }); }; pageChange = (current, size) => { this.setState( { pagination: { ...this.state.pagination, current: current, pageSize: size, }, }, () => { this.getPage(); }, ); }; formStateChange = (value, key) => { const { search } = this.props.pageSearch; const { condition } = search; let oldValue = this.state.formValues; oldValue[key] = value; /** * 如果设置了beforeChange回调函数 则调用此回调函数改变另外的字段的值 * */ const index = condition.findIndex((item) => { return item.key === key; }); if (index !== -1) { const thisConfig = condition[index]; if (thisConfig.beforeChange) { oldValue = thisConfig.beforeChange(oldValue, thisConfig); } } this.setState( { formValues: oldValue, }, () => { if (search.afterFormValuesChange) { search.afterFormValuesChange(key, oldValue, this.getPage); } }, ); }; handleSelectRows = (rows) => { this.setState({ selectRows: rows, }); }; componentDidMount() { const { search } = this.props.pageSearch; if (!search.noNeedInitData) { this.getPage(); } if (this.props.setRefInfo) { this.props.setRefInfo('List', this); } } resetFormValues = () => { const { beforeResetFormValues } =; let { formValues } = this.state; if (beforeResetFormValues) { formValues = beforeResetFormValues(formValues); } else { formValues = {}; } this.setState({ formValues, }); }; /** * 处理排序 * */ handleOnChange = (pagination, filters, sorter) => { const { pageSearch } = this.props; if (sorter) { const sortGetPageFields =; this.setState( { sortGetPageFields, }, () => { this.getPage(); }, ); } }; pageButton = () => { return []; const { list } = this.state; let re = {}; let buttonConfig = []; for (let item of list) { if (item.btns && Array.isArray(item.btns)) { for (let x of item.btns) { if (typeof re[] === 'undefined') { re[] = x; } } } } for (let z in re) { let info = re[z]; buttonConfig.push({ type: z, name: z, component: 'ModalBatch', className: z !== '通过' ? 'defaultRed' : 'defaultBlue', nameSpan: { big: 4, small: 5 }, fileSpan: { big: 1, small: 1 }, values: { [info.key]: info.value, }, fields: [ { key: 'reason', name: '审核意见', type: 'textarea', }, ], beforeSubmit: (props, formValues) => { return { taskForm: {}, examineMap: JSON.stringify(formValues), }; }, sourceKey: 'taskId', postKey: 'taskIds', apiServiceApi: handleAudit, }); } return buttonConfig; }; render() { const { formValues, selectRows, list, pagination, loading } = this.state; const { listConfig, pageSearch, pageButton, children, addFields } = this.props; let { columns, search } = pageSearch; columns = handleColumns(columns); let data = list; for (let item of addFields) { if (item.type === 'tableSelect' && item.c1) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let nameKey = item.componentProps.labelName; if (data[i][item.c1] && data[i][item.c1].selects) { let res = []; for (let x in data[i][item.c1].selects) { res.push(data[i][item.c1].selects[x][nameKey]); } data[i][item.c1] = res.join(','); } } } } const tableProps = { rowKey: pageSearch.tableRowKey || 'id', selectedRows: selectRows, data: { list: data, pagination }, columns, bordered: pageSearch.bordered || false, loading, noSelectRow: !listConfig.selectRows, onSelectRow: this.handleSelectRows, scroll: pageSearch.scroll || { x: true }, }; if (!listConfig.paging) { = { list: data, pagination: false }; } if (search && search.handleSort) { tableProps.onChange = this.handleOnChange; } return ( <Fragment> {listConfig.searchArea && this.props.searchCondition?.length ? ( <SearchDom formStateChange={this.formStateChange} formValues={formValues} getPage={this.getPage} resetFormValues={this.resetFormValues} config={} /> ) : null} <Shell> {pageButton.length ? ( <ButtonListDom config={pageButton} handleSelectRows={this.handleSelectRows} selectRows={selectRows} formValues={formValues} listData={list} search={} getPage={this.getPage} children={children} columns={columns} /> ) : null} <StandardTable {...tableProps} /> </Shell> </Fragment> ); } } List.propTypes = { listConfig: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // pageButton: PropTypes.array, pageSearch: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; List.defaultProps = { listConfig: { selectRows: true, // 是否可以行选择, paging: true, // 是否可以分页, searchArea: true, // 是否拥有 搜索区dom, buttonArea: true, // 是否拥有 按钮区, }, pageSearch: { search: { url: '', field: {}, responseCallBack: (response) => { return response; }, condition: [ { key: 'studentNo', name: '学号', type: 'input', }, ], tableRowKey: 'id', columns: [ { title: '姓名', dataIndex: '', }, { title: '操作', dataIndex: 'operation', renderType: 'update', // 修改 }, ], nameSpan: { big: 8, small: 9 }, fileSpan: { big: 4, small: 4 }, }, }, };