// 图片上传组件
import React from 'react';
import { Button, Icon, message, Upload } from 'antd';
import { queryApiActionPath, queryFileUrl } from '../utils/queryConfig';
import config from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/config';
import styles from './style.less';
import UploadComDiyForQnZy from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/libs/UploadComDiyForQnZy';
import Viewer from 'react-viewer';
import { getToken } from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/utils/token';
import {
} from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/2023yunshangguizhou/utils';

	top: 300,

export function checkIsImage(path) {
	if (!path) {
		return false;
	if(typeof path !== 'string'){
	  return false;
	let p = path.toLowerCase();
	let find = ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.gif', '.bmp', '.svg'].find((x) => {
		return p.indexOf(x) > -1;
	return !!find;

export default function index(props) {
	if (window.specialImportantSystemConfig && window.specialImportantSystemConfig.schoolName === '黔南民族职业技术学院' && window.location.href.indexOf('jy/geren/subsidy') > -1) {
		return <UploadComDiyForQnZy {...props} />;
	} else {
		return <UploadCom {...props} />;

 * otherProps: {
 *   limitImageSize: {
 *     width:  number// 限制上传的图片的最小宽度
 *     height: number// 限制上传的图片的最小高度
 *     widthMinusHeight: number// 限制必须宽度大于高度 且 宽度 - 高度 >= widthMinusHeight
 *   }
 *   limitWarnningMessage: string// 当图片不满足限制条件时 提示语句
 *   limitImageInfo: string// 在上传按钮旁展示的提示语句
 * }
 * */

class UploadCom extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {
		const value = props.value || {};
		this.state = {
			files: value.files,
			previewVisible: false,
			previewImage: '',
		this.otherProps = {};
		if (props.json?.otherProps) {
			try {
				this.otherProps = new Function(props.json?.otherProps)() || {};
			} catch (e) {

	triggerChange = (changedValue) => {
		// Should provide an event to pass value to Form.
		const onChange = this.props.onChange;
		if (onChange) {
			onChange(Object.assign({}, this.state, changedValue));

	beforeUpload = (file) => {
	  const { limitImageSize, onlyPdf } = this.otherProps;
	  if(limitImageSize){ // 限制上传图片大小
      return this.isSize(file).then((res) => {
        return true;
    }else if(onlyPdf){ // 限制只能上传pdf文件
	    let name = file.name;
	    if(!name || !name.endsWith('.pdf')){
	      return false;
	  return true;


	isSize = (file) => {
		const { limitWarnningMessage } = this.otherProps;
		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			let { width, height, widthMinusHeight } = this.otherProps.limitImageSize;
			let _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
			let img = new Image();
			img.onload = function() {
				let valid = img.width >= width && img.height >= height;
				if (!!widthMinusHeight && valid) {
					if (widthMinusHeight > 0) {
						if (img.width - img.height < widthMinusHeight) {
							// widthMinusHeight: number// 限制必须宽度大于高度 且 宽度 - 高度 >= widthMinusHeight
							valid = false;
					if (widthMinusHeight < 0) {
						if (img.height - img.width < Math.abs(widthMinusHeight)) {
							// widthMinusHeight: number// 限制必须高度大于宽度
							valid = false;
				valid ? resolve() : reject();
			img.src = _URL.createObjectURL(file);
			() => {
				return file;
			() => {
				message.error(file.name + limitWarnningMessage);
				return Promise.reject();

	componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
		// Should be a controlled component.
		if ('value' in nextProps) {
			const value = nextProps.value;

	changeUrl = (info) => {
		if (info.file.status === 'done') {
			message.success(`${info.file.name} 上传成功`);
			const files = this.state.files;
			files.push({ path: info.file.response, name: info.file.name });
			if (!('value' in this.props)) {
				this.setState({ files });
			this.triggerChange({ files });
		} else if (info.file.status === 'error') {
			message.error(`${info.file.name} 上传失败`);
	remove = (path) => {
		const files = this.state.files;
		for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
			if (files[i].path == path) {
				files.splice(i, 1);
		if (!('value' in this.props)) {
			this.setState({ files });
		this.triggerChange({ files });

	render() {
	  // console.log(this.props.value);
		const { files, previewVisible, previewImage, previewImageName } = this.state;
		const { isMultiple, accept, btnName, disabled, dataKey } = this.props;
		const props = {
			name: 'file',
			multiple: isMultiple,
			accept: accept,
      headers: getSassApiHeader(),
      data: {
        token: getToken(),
			action: config.uploadUrl,
			showUploadList: false,
			onChange: this.changeUrl,
      // beforeUpload: this.otherProps?.limitImageSize ? this.beforeUpload : undefined,
      beforeUpload: this.beforeUpload
		return (
			<div data-mes={dataKey}>
				{' '}
				<Upload {...props} disabled={disabled}>
					{!disabled && (
								<Icon type="upload" />
								{btnName ? btnName : '上传附件'}
							{this.otherProps?.limitImageInfo && <div style={this.otherProps?.limitImageInfoStyle || {}}>{this.otherProps?.limitImageInfo}</div>}
				<ul className={styles.ulImageList}>
					{((Array.isArray(files) && files) || []).map((f) => {
					  // console.log(f);
						if (f.path && checkIsImage(f.path)) {
							return (
								<li key={f.path} className={styles.preview_img}>
									<div className={styles.preview_div}>
											style={{ width: '100px', height: 'auto' }}
											onClick={() => {
													previewImage: queryFileUrl(f.path),
                          previewImageName : f.name,
                          previewVisible: true,
											<Icon type="eye" className={styles.icon_eye} />
									{!disabled && (
											style={{ marginLeft: 10 }}
											onClick={this.remove.bind(this, f.path)}
						return (
							<li key={f.path}>
								<a target="_blank" key={f.path} href={queryFileUrl(f.path)}>
								</a>{' '}
								{!disabled && (
										style={{ marginLeft: 10 }}
										onClick={this.remove.bind(this, f.path)}
						onClose={() => {
							this.setState({ previewVisible: false });
								src: previewImage,
								alt: previewImageName,