import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import { queryConfig } from '../services'; import { getInfo } from '@/highOrderComponent/Service'; import { message } from 'antd'; import Shell from '@/baseComponent/Shell'; import ButtonDiy from '@/baseComponent/ButtonDiy'; import router from 'umi/router'; import DetailDom from './DetailDom'; import { A4Width, A4Height, getCLodopFuncJS, templateCode, defaultConfigInfo } from './config'; import RenderAuthorized from '@/components/Authorized'; import { getAuthority } from '@/utils/authority'; import { ModalInfo } from '@/baseComponent/Modal'; import { isJSON } from '@/webPublic/one_stop_public/copy'; const Authorized = RenderAuthorized(getAuthority()); export default class ViewPrint extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { configAll: null, viewData: null, loading: true, printIndex: 0, showWindowPrint: false, preaparePrint: false, }; this.getConfigInfo = queryConfig.bind(this); } getViewData = () => { const { selectedRows, dataQueryCallBack } = this.props; const ids = =>; this.getConfigInfo().then((x) => { if (x && x.queryUrl) { getInfo( { ids: ids.join(','), }, x.queryUrl, ).then((viewData) => { if (!viewData || !viewData.length) { message.warning('未查询到可打印的数据'); console.error(`${x.queryUrl}接口报错或者没有返回数据`); return false; } if (dataQueryCallBack && typeof dataQueryCallBack === 'function') { viewData = dataQueryCallBack(viewData); } for (const item of viewData) { for (let z in item) { if (item[z] === null || item[z] === 'null') { item[z] = ''; } } } this.setState({ viewData, }); }); } }); }; componentDidMount() { this.getViewData(); getCLodopFuncJS().then((response) => { window.On_CLodop_Opened = function() { console.log('打印插件准备就绪,随时可以打印'); window.On_CLodop_Opened = null; }; if (response) { this.setState({ loading: false, }); } }); } detailDom = (data) => { const { configAll: { config }, } = this.state; const res = []; for (const item of config) { res.push( DetailDom({ config: item, data: data[item.fieldCode], }), ); } return res; }; printOne = (optionType = 0) => { const { printIndex, configAll, viewData } = this.state; let { info } = configAll; if (isJSON(info)) { info = JSON.parse(info); } else { info = defaultConfigInfo; } const { printMeth } = configAll; const { LODOP } = window; let dom = document.getElementById(`printDomId-${printIndex}`); if (optionType >= 1) { dom = document.getElementById('printDomId-0'); } if (!dom) { console.error('dom节点没找到'); return false; } const strHTML = dom.innerHTML; if (!LODOP.PageDataEx || !LODOP.PageDataEx.companyname || !LODOP.PageDataEx.license) { console.log(LODOP.PageDataEx, 'license未注入成功,正在重新注册'); LODOP.SET_SHOW_MODE('LANGUAGE', 0); LODOP.SET_LICENSES('成都市知用科技有限公司', '649677881727389907689190562356', '', ''); } // LODOP.PRINT_INITA(0, 0, `${wide}cm`, `${high}cm`, `printDomId${printIndex}`); LODOP.PRINT_INIT(`${Math.random() * 10000 + 'test'}`); LODOP.SET_PRINT_MODE('RESELECT_PAGESIZE', true); LODOP.SET_PRINT_PAGESIZE(printMeth, info.paperWidth, info.paperHeight, 'CreateCustomPage'); // 打印方向 纸张大小. LODOP.ADD_PRINT_HTML(0, 0, '100%', '100%', strHTML); // HTML 打印 switch (optionType) { case 1: LODOP.PREVIEW(); // 打印预览 break; case 2: LODOP.PRINT_DESIGN(); // 打印设计 break; case 0: LODOP.PRINT(); // 打印 break; default: break; } }; printPreview = () => { // 打印预览 this.printOne(1); }; printSetUp = () => { this.printOne(2); }; printedDataSave = (index) => { const { selectedRows } = this.props; const { configAll } = this.state; if (!selectedRows[index] || !selectedRows[index].id) { console.error('printedDataSave 没有正确的id 无法保存打印信息到后台'); return false; } const ids = selectedRows[index].id; getInfo({ ids }, configAll.callUrl).then((x) => { if (x) { console.log(`${ids}的打印信息已保存到后台`); return true; } else { return false; } }); }; printOneByOne = () => { // 按队列打印 const { viewData, printIndex } = this.state; if (viewData && viewData.length) { this.printOne(); const { length } = viewData; let LODOPObj = window.LODOP; LODOPObj.On_Return_Remain = true; LODOPObj.On_Return = (TaskId, Value) => { console.log(TaskId); if (Number(Value) === 1) {`正在打印第${this.state.printIndex + 1}张, 共${viewData.length}张`); this.printedDataSave(printIndex); } this.setState({ printIndex: this.state.printIndex + 1 }, () => { if (this.state.printIndex < length) { this.printOne(); } else { LODOPObj.On_Return_Remain = false; this.setState({ loading: false, printIndex: 0, }); } }); }; } else { console.error('暂无任何数据无法打印'); } }; printByLodop = () => { if (!window.LODOP || !window.LODOP.PRINT_INIT) { console.error('打印服务未启动'); ModalInfo('打印服务未启动'); return false; } this.setState( { showWindowPrint: true, printIndex: 0, loading: true, }, () => { this.printOneByOne(); }, ); }; render() { const { configAll, viewData, showWindowPrint, loading, preaparePrint } = this.state; if (!viewData) { return ( <Shell styleShell={{ marginTop: '0', marginBottom: '20px' }}> <div style={{ height: '54px', padding: '12px 0 12px 12px' }}> <ButtonDiy name={'返回'} handleClick={() => { router.goBack(); }} /> </div> </Shell> ); } if (!configAll.backgroundUrl) { console.error('没有设置模版图片无法使用'); return null; } const { wide, high } = configAll; const imageStyle = { height: high ? `${high}cm` : A4Height, width: wide ? `${wide}cm` : A4Width, textAlign: 'center', }; const { pathname } = this.props.location; const templateInfo = templateCode.find((x) => { return x.path === pathname; }); if (!templateInfo) { console.error('未找到templateInfo', pathname); } return ( <Fragment> <Shell styleShell={{ marginTop: '0', marginBottom: '20px' }}> <div style={{ height: '54px', padding: '12px 0 12px 12px' }}> <ButtonDiy name={'打印设备选择'} handleClick={() => { window.LODOP.SELECT_PRINTER(); this.setState({ preaparePrint: true, }); }} loading={loading} /> <ButtonDiy name={'打印预览'} handleClick={() => { if (!preaparePrint) { message.warning('请先选择打印设备'); window.LODOP.SELECT_PRINTER(); this.setState({ preaparePrint: true, }); return false; } this.printPreview(); }} loading={loading} /> <ButtonDiy name={'打印'} handleClick={() => { if (!preaparePrint) { window.LODOP.SELECT_PRINTER(); this.setState({ preaparePrint: true, }); message.warning('请先选择打印设备'); return false; } this.printByLodop(); }} loading={loading} /> <span style={{ float: 'right' }}> <ButtonDiy name={'返回'} handleClick={() => { const { state } = this.props.location; if (state && state.returnUrl) { router.push({ pathname: state.returnUrl, searchInfo: state.searchInfo, }); } else { router.goBack(); } }} /> </span> <Authorized authority={'/jc/setting/PrintPositionSetting'}> <span style={{ float: 'right' }}> <ButtonDiy name={'打印调试模式(实施)'} handleClick={() => { this.printSetUp(); }} loading={loading} /> </span> </Authorized> <Authorized authority={'/jc/setting/PrintPositionSetting'}> <span style={{ float: 'right' }}> <ButtonDiy name={'打印模版设置(实施)'} handleClick={() => { router.push({ pathname: '/jc/setting/PrintConfig', state: { code: templateInfo.code }, }); }} /> </span> </Authorized> <Authorized authority={'/jc/setting/PrintPositionSetting'}> <span style={{ float: 'right' }}> <ButtonDiy name={'字段位置设置(实施)'} handleClick={() => { router.push({ //pathname: '/xg/xg_hard/AwardSet/printSetting', // 中医大这里也要改 TODO pathname: '/jc/setting/printSetting', state: { code: templateInfo.code }, }); }} /> </span> </Authorized> </div> </Shell> {viewData && viewData.length ? ( <div ref={(node) => (this.content = node)} style={{ display: showWindowPrint || true ? 'block' : 'none', }}> {, index) => { return ( <div key={`${index}divKey`} id={`printDomId-${index}`} style={{ marginBottom: '10px', }}> <div style={{ position: 'relative', pageBreakAfter: 'avoid', ...imageStyle, backgroundColor: '#fff', }}> {this.detailDom(info)} </div> </div> ); })} </div> ) : null} </Fragment> ); } }